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Diana Lee
Apr 6, 20205 min read
No-egg, Vegan Chocolate Banana Bread Recipe
A recipe for a simple, egg-free, vegan chocolate banana bread that anyone can make. Just-sweet, rich, and made without any refined sugar.

Diana Lee
Mar 29, 20206 min read
Healthy Granola Breakfast Cookies
How to make healthy breakfast cookies full of nuts and seeds that you most likely have piled up or forgotten in your pantry.

Diana Lee
May 19, 20183 min read
Chocolate Rosemary Loaf Cake, for a Weekend Breakfast Treat.
Are you a sweet or savoury breakfast person? Or more likely if you live in Italy, a cereal/fruit/yoghurt person or are you down with a...

Diana Lee
Mar 8, 20184 min read
A Buckwheat Banana Bread Recipe
One of the first things I baked during my time in Italy is this simple thing - banana bread. It was my friend Francesco who started...

Diana Lee
Mar 4, 20184 min read
Snowy Milan and Chocolate Pear Clafoutis
There's been a Siberian cold front sweeping through Europe recently and it's been really cold, for Milan standards anyway. I have several...

Diana Lee
Feb 28, 20184 min read
A Heavenly Lemon Drizzle Cake
Plum cakes (pronounced 'ploom cake' in Italian) have always caused great confusion in me - 'a ploom is a fruit, no?' 'why is there...

Diana Lee
Nov 2, 20172 min read
A Beetroot and Berry Compote that your breakfast oats need.
I see the world in two categories of people - the larks, and the owls. I happen to fall into the first, so unless by pure coincidence I...
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